Simple Mobile APN: Get Connected in a Snap!

Feeling annoyed because you can’t access the internet or send MMS messages on your Simple Mobile phone? Been there, done that! It’s probably a glitch with your Internet settings. This is the ultimate blog post all about the BEST APN settings for Simple Mobile, which can lead to faster internet. We’ve customized some settings for gamers and binge-watchers as per their needs, so do check that out.

Manual APN Setup for Simple Mobile

If you can’t access the website or prefer manual setup, here’s what you need to know. The following table provides a breakdown of each APN field:

Field NameDescriptionExample Value (Simple Mobile)
APNThe main access point
ProxyLeave blank for most users(Not typically used)
PortLeave blank for most users(Not typically used)
UsernameLeave blank for most users(Not typically used)
PasswordLeave blank for most users(Not typically used)
MCCMobile Country Code (identifies the country)310
MNCMobile Network Code (identifies the network)260
Authentication TypeLeave blank for most users(Not typically used)
APN TypeComma-separated list indicating APN type(s)default,supl,mms

Important Note: These are example values, and the actual settings might differ slightly depending on your location and device.

screenshot of simple mobile apn from access point names
screenshot of entering the APN into the simple mobile

Simple APN for Different Users

screenshot of editing the access point names for simple mobile with thinking emoji

Overall (Default) APN

  • Purpose: General internet usage.
  • APN:
  • Proxy: (Leave blank)
  • Port: (Leave blank)
  • Username: (Leave blank)
  • Password: (Leave blank)
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 260
  • Authentication Type: (Leave blank)
  • APN Type: default, supl, mms

Gaming (Potential Lower Latency) APN for Simple

  • Purpose: Intended for gaming with potentially lower latency.
  • APN:
  • Proxy: (Leave blank)
  • Port: (Leave blank)
  • Username: (Leave blank)
  • Password: (Leave blank)
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 260
  • Authentication Type: (Leave blank)
  • APN Type: default, supl, mms

Internet Speed (Potential Higher Throughput) APN

  • Purpose: Optimized for higher internet throughput.
  • APN:
  • Proxy: (Leave blank)
  • Port: (Leave blank)
  • Username: (Leave blank)
  • Password: (Leave blank)
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 260
  • Authentication Type: (Leave blank)
  • APN Type: default, supl, mms, hipri

How to Setup Simple APN

screenshot of only access point for simple internet mobile

For Android

  • First things first, I’m heading over to my Settings.
  • From there, I’ll tap on Network & internet or Connections, depending on what my device shows.
  • Next stop, Mobile network.
  • Now, I’m selecting Advanced or Access Point Names.
  • Here comes the fun part, tapping that little + symbol to add a new APN.
  • Time to fill in the deets using the table above as my trusty guide.
  • Once everything’s filled in, I’ll save the new APN.
  • Oh, and don’t forget to select the newly created APN to activate it.
  • Last but not least, I’m giving my phone a quick restart for all those changes to kick in.
screenshot of saving the simple mobile internet settings

For iPhone

  • Alrighty, I’m opening up my Settings app.
  • I’ll tap on Cellular.
  • Next up, selecting Cellular Data Options.
  • Then, I’ll tap on Cellular Network Access Point Names.
  • Just like on Android, tapping that + symbol to add a new APN.
  • Time to fill in the blanks using the info from the table above.
  • Tap Done to seal the deal and save my shiny new APN.
  • Don’t forget to select the newly created APN from the list.
  • And yup, you guessed it, I’m giving my iPhone a little restart to let those changes do their thing.

Easy peasy, right? Whether you’re looking for better gaming performance, faster internet speeds, or just a general tweak, adjusting your internet configurations settings might be the trick you need. Give it a shot and see how it goes!

Changing an existing simple APN

full screenshot of complete internet settings for simple mobile


  • First off, I’m heading into my Settings.
  • From there, I’m tapping on Network & internet or Connections.
  • Then, it’s on to the Mobile network.
  • Next stop, Advanced or Access Point Names.
  • I’ll find the APN I want to change and tap on it.
  • Now, I can edit the details to my heart’s content.
  • After I’m done, I’ll save the changes.
  • Don’t forget to select the updated APN to activate it.
  • A quick restart wouldn’t hurt either, just to make sure everything’s running smoothly.


  • Alrighty, I’m opening up my Settings.
  • Next, I’m tapping on Cellular.
  • Then, it’s onto Cellular Data Options.
  • From there, I’ll tap on Cellular Network Access Point Names.
  • I’ll find the APN I want to tweak and tap on it.
  • Now, I can make my edits.
  • Once I’m happy with the changes, I’ll tap Done to save them.
  • And yup, just like on Android, I’ll give my iPhone a quick restart for good measure.
multiple apn settings in the access point names from android

Switching back to default APN


  • Heading back into Settings.
  • Tapping on Network & internet or Connections.
  • Mobile network is my next destination.
  • Advanced or Access Point Names, here I come.
  • I’ll find the default APN and select it.
  • And just like that, I’m back to the default settings.


  • Back into the Settings app we go.
  • Tapping on Cellular.
  • Selecting Cellular Data Options.
  • Then, onto Cellular Network Access Point Names.
  • Finding the default APN and selecting it.
  • VoilĂ , back to default in no time!

That’s all there is to it! Whether you’re tweaking settings or going back to the basics, it’s all about finding what works best for you.

Troubleshooting Tips

So, if you’re like me and you’ve run into some snags with your Simple mobile network, no worries—I’ve been there too. Let’s tackle these issues together, shall we? When it comes to internet troubles, first things first: check those APN Internet settings. Trust me, it’s a quick fix (and I’ve had to do it a few times myself). Feeling the need for speed but stuck in the slow lane? Try giving your device a reboot or finding a spot with better signal strength. And oh, those annoying moments of dropped connections? Been there, done that. Sometimes manually selecting your network operator (or toggling airplane mode on and off) can work wonders. Now, about roaming headaches—yikes, those can be a pain. Make sure your roaming settings are on point and don’t hesitate to hit up customer support for backup. Remember, we’re all in this together

Finding Your Specific APN Settings

contact us page for simplemobile apn settings

The easiest way to get your Simple mobile Internet settings is by visiting Simple Mobile’s official APN website. Simply head over to their website and enter your phone number. The website will then provide you with the personalized APN settings specific to your device and Simple Mobile’s network.


That’s it for the blog post today. I hope you find the article containing all the best APN settings for Android and iOS devices helpful. It has been tested and reviewed by users online; you can read about our reviews on platforms like Quora and Reddit. If you have any doubts, feel free to let me know in the comment section. Have a nice day! By the way, are you a gamer, a simple internet user, or a binge-watcher?

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